We produce movie tie-in books, audiobooks, 3D author cinema events and author branding programs, in partnership with top names in publishing, film, events, marketing and public relations. Partners on current projects include Simon & Schuster, Audible.com, Fathom Events, Rogers & Cowan and Ribbow Media. All of our projects seek to improve the lives of fellow humans. It's what motivates us. 

With each project, we push boundaries with our unique film and publishing combinations. In 2009, we were the first to create a book with a movie tie-in DVD inserted into the front cover, resulting in a children's book-movie combo that promoted literacy ("read before you watch") and received successful distribution. We were the first to fully integrate a book, audiobook and website by linking and syncing text, audio and images, to deliver a unique, robust experience to 12 YEARS A SLAVE readers. We were first to create a 3D-mapped cinema stage event based on a book, COME TO THE GARDEN, which is introducing the author to millions of readers and producing our third lightning in a bottle. No, make that a teacup. We're small, but have big imaginations. What's next for Eakin Films & Publishing? Let's talk.